Sunday, March 13, 2011

Well what a day. So we were up in the wee hours of the morning to head to the Mercy House, which is a non-profit that houses children that are in crisis. We had breakfast there and then headed downtown to sell their Patrick day buttons to the public. It was quite the experience. We got to see them turn the river green (didn't know you could do that), sight see the city, and of course eat their famous chicago style pizza! We left around noon to head to Milan, IN and arrived around 7. So another long bus ride.

Now where to start with Milan? I have soo many nice things to say about this little town. We were welcomed with big smiles, countless hugs, signs saying 'Welcome STLF!', and a yummy home cooked meal all thanks to the local church members and the youth group.
After supper we had to number off and then a select few of us were chosen to come to the front. Lucky me, my number was chosen. We were then lined up and handed random objects such as a shopping bag, bunny ears, a dragon fly and were asked how we would incorporate these objects to saving ourself if something went terribly wrong on the bus ride. We sure got the creative juices a flowing. I was handed a strawberry that magically turns into a reusable grocery bag, so my story was that the bus drove off a cliff and I would use it as a parachute. The few selected were awarded with either a blanket or a sweater that has 'STLF Milan, IN 2011' embroidered on it. We then boarded the bus to take a tour of their museum and learned a little bit about their long history of basketball.

Words cannot describe how overwhelmed I am through the kindness this little town has shown us in the time we have been here. I have never felt so welcomed in my whole life. Tomorrow they have invited us back to the church for breakfast and mass. We then will be heading over to the Milan nursing home to spend time with the residents there. For those who know me well, you know the love I share for the elderly, so I am beyond excited to go!

Though it is only the second day of the trip, it has been quite an emotional one. We got to the gym, where we are staying for the night, when we are asked to sit in a circle while the lights were dimmed with soft music playing in the background. It wasn't til this moment when I figured out why they wanted my mothers e-mail. STLF contacted our loved ones and asked them to write a little paragraph about how proud they are of us. Ohh and the tears started flowing. Tonight brought up a lot of memories that I tend not to think about on a daily basis.

Soo ya that's my day in a nutshell.

Ohh and shout out to my little brother Rylie who has quoted my leadership skills as bossy (but really it is another "b" word). Love you too little brother :)

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