Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Soo I have been lazy and skipped clogging for a couple of days. Hopefully I didn't let anyone down :)

The last time I blogged I was in Greensboro, NC. Such a beautiful city! A shout out to the Gatlinburg Methodist church for providing us with a wonderful dinner and a place to stay.

At this point in the trip, everyone is forming bonds with one another. What's so amazing about this, is that it only took four days. Four days to completely open up to a stranger and form a relationship with them. It's amazing what friendships you can form in such a little amount of time.

We headed over to a warehouse (not sure what the name was :/ ) to help them organize all the products they receive and then re-sell, at extremely low prices, to those in need. It was such a neat experience!

Then we were off to Virginia Beach. We ate our last group supper at TGI Fridays and then headed to the beach for some pictures. Ahh it was great to be back on the boardwalk, recognizing certain places from my previous visit there. So many good memories :)

Today we went to a family crisis shelter where parents can come when in need of a place to stay. They offer them a room, stipend, job training, and help with finding a job and/or an apartment. It was a really neat place. Our job was to first scrap the old paint off and then re-paint the railings along the staircases. It was quite a mess. There was about five metal scrappers to use among the 45 of us. Which I must add--the first floor had them for the whole time. So ya I scrapped paint off with my NAILS for two hours. Yes, you better be jealous. Needless to say we didn't even begin to paint the railings.

So right now I am in the wonderful city of Washington D.C. Ahh how pretty the city is. We had quite an eventful arrival. As we were sitting in what I thought was traffic, we saw about four cop cars zoom past us. As we got closer, we saw that they had a white van pulled over and three guys arrested. So if you are my friend on FB, you will be able to see the lovely pictures I took of them :)

We arrived early so we spent time sight seeing. During this time I was able to see the Lincoln Memorial, WWII Memorial, Washington Memorial, and of course, the White House. Tomorrow I am for sure hitting up the holocaust museum and doing a little shopping.

Right now there are about 300 students, from mostly the midwest, staying at the Hilton. So the building is a little crazy! Tomorrow all 300 of us will be cleaning the river, which has been named as the dirtiest river in thee US. So it should be interesting!

Well I am thinking it is time for bed now. Night everyone!
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